Helene and I now have items up on Etsy!

We're really excited about our tiny books, and we hope that someone would please look at them! We're gearing up to put quite a few more books on our Etsy.

Soon we will hopefully be working on a collection of Valentines Cards.

Also, if there are any special orders of books you would like us to make, we are up for the challenge, please send us a cute email. =)

Now excuse me, I have to go get ready to watch 30 Rock. (!!)

<3 Sara


This is Sara.
I'm taking a break from crafting for a few minutes and me and Helene and her boyfriend are watching 30 Rock. Right now it's our favorite show and we're finishing up the season that is on DVD so that we can watch the newest season when it gets to DVD.

Anyway, I just finished making a paperback book with sweet nuns on the front. I'm getting pretty good at binding, and currently all my books I have been making have 46 pages. Check out our etsy site.

I want to be a cougar. Please let me be a hot 37 year old right now so can date hot guys half my age. ...Anyone in?

<3 Sara

Happy New Year!!

Okay, maybe two days too late but what's the difference we still well over 300 days left! 300+ more days to craft that is! Thanks for visiting our blog. We are really excited about our new project and possibly over ambitious. So lets back up a few days, and explain how this all got started. Me (Helene) and Sara, who are next door neighbors and best friends, decided that our love for crafts needed to become a bigger part of our life since it hasn't been present in the past few years. To solve this problem we decided to pick a craft to focus on each month to either teach one another, both learn, and perfect. We will use this blog to document our crafting, post tutorials, and other random things. We want to encourage you to craft-along and to get excited about making things! Or get excited about us making things, you can even purchase our items our etsy shop. (: Okay, enough blabbing, have a craft-tastic day!